
Minggu, 04 November 2012

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Kamis, 01 November 2012

GameBoost sets the standard for PC gaming and internet optimization software. A combination of our two products GameGain and Throttle; GameBoost instantly increases the performance of your computer and squeezes out every last bit of performance your computer and internet connection is capable of. With many of the latest PC games requiring high hardware requirements to have a suitable gaming experience, it is important to optimize your computer's performance. Windows is a general operating system which is used for many tasks; it is not optimized for gaming. With GameBoost and a few clicks of your mouse, you will notice an increase in frames per second, smooth game play and less latency and lag during multiplayer gaming.

GameBoost makes several Windows registry and system changes to increase the performance of your current gaming hardware; this allows you to play the most recent games without having to spend hundreds of dollars to upgrade your hardware. These changes made to your computer improve memory usage, how foreground applications are prioritized with the CPU, hard drive access read and write speeds, how fast graphics can display on your screen, the overall speed of your internet connection and latency. GameBoost does not make changes, no patches and no modifications to games themselves, thus no anti-cheat detection software considers our software cheating software and you will not be banned from those gaming networks.

GameBoost also improves the speed of your internet connection; these system changes work with all internet connections such as Cable, DSL, U-Verse, Fios and dial-up. If you notice during multiplayer gaming that you are getting long pings and lag, GameBoost can help improve the speed of your connection. GameBoost makes several Windows registry changes to improve how networking packets are transmitted and received, we increase the buffer sizes which allows data to be transmitted and processed faster on your computer, allowing games, web browsing and downloading files to work much faster.

Optimizing your Windows environment to work faster with games is a no brainer if you are a hardcore PC video game enthusiast. Just like tuning a car to get higher performance, GameBoost tunes your PC's hardware to work faster which improves gaming and internet performance. Get every last bit of horsepower out of your computer to play your games smoother and faster while also increasing the speed of your internet with a few clicks of the mouse. Download a trial version of GameBoost today and unleash the full power of your computer hardware for faster gaming and internet.

1.siapin file yg mau di burn,video harus sudah di convert dalam format VOB.sama subtitle nya jg kl mau pake,formatnya srt kl bisa.
2.buka progi DvdLab Pro nya.pertama kali buka biasa muncul kaya gini :

- pilih 'simple movie only',itu kl misalnya mau bikin burn-an yg paling simple,jd pas di pasang di player langsung play movie nya,tanpa menu dan embel2 yg lain.
- pilih 'normal VTS Menu+movie',itu kl mau hasil burn-an yg kl di pasang di player ada pilihan menu nya.
kl udah...
3.masukin video nya yg pengen di burn ke dlm list,kaya di gambar caranya...

4.kl udah files video yg udah ada di list,di drag and drop aja ke kolom movie nya.kl mau bikin chapter dan gak mau repot,pilih aja 'auto chapter'.
untuk masukin subs,klik aja 'sub 1'..trus pilih impor,masukin deh file srt nya.

kl misalnya video yg pengen dimasukin lebih dr 1,di sebelah kiri ada pilihan movie,di klik kanan aja,add movie..trus langkah nya sama kaya sblm nya.
ingat untuk tidak melebihi batas disc space nya.kl lebih biasanya proses burn gagal.di sbelah kiri bawah ada pilihan DVD 5 dan DVD 9.pilih sesuai Disc yg digunakan.

5.kl udah smua pastiin 'connections'nya udah bener2 terkoneksi dgn benar,soalnya kl gak,film nya gak akan bs di pasang di tenang aja,biasanya nanti ketika di'compile' akan ketahuan ada yg error atau enggak,kl ada yg error,biasanya progi nya gak akan mau ke tahap selanjutnya.

6.kl udah smua,siap2 untuk di 'compile'..di line atas klik 'compile'

trus kluar pilihan baru kaya di gambar bawah,untuk output dan temporary folder nya bs di ganti kl mau,biar bs gampang nyarinya.kl bs di tempatkan di Disc yg berbeda untuk mempengaruhi proses compile agar lebih cepat.

kalo udah klik aja lngsung 'start'.
proses compile akan dimulai,tinggal nunggu sampai prosesnya selesai.
7.proses compile selesai,tinggal langsung di burn.
line di atas ada pilihan 'project',klik aja trus pilih 'burn'.

masukin deh disc kosong nya.

kl udah langsung aja pilih 'burn'

moga2 aja jelas tutonya dan gak ada yg kelewat :D
kl ada yg kurang jelas monggo di tanya,nanti ta' usahain bantu :D

Note: untuk pengguna yg masih baru atau pertama kali pake,kalo bs di sediain aja Disc nya yg RW,biar kalo salah atau kurang memuaskan bisa di ulang.

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